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Friday, Nov. 22nd
Author of "Codename: Blackjack"
Rusty is back with another page-turner, this time detailing the story of how Espy Harper came into possession of a dossier with clues leading to the truth behind JFK's assassination.
Rusty McClure
Friday, Nov. 29th
Author of "Missing Time Too"
A mechanical engineer from British Columbia Institute of Technology, Chad Wanless identifies as an experiencer of the UFO phenomenon. Now working for MUFON Canada, Chad has written his own book "Missing Time Too: An Ordinary Man’s Extraordinary Journey".
Chad Wanless
Friday, Dec. 13th
Author of "The Year Ahead. 2024"
A best-selling author who focuses on astrology. Susan Miller is also the founder of Author of 14 best-selling astrology books
Susan Miller
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